samedi 30 juin 2007


Quand Coca-Cola vide les nappes phréatiques

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Ah les vilains !
Tu trouve pas ça scandaleux ? Ben non, j'imagine que tu dois t'en crisser, parce qu'ils ne sont pas chrétiens.
Ou israéliens, ou américains, ou canadiens, ou durandaliens...

C'est un robot, il n'a pas de sentiment! Un robot programmé pour mentir et nier.

Les crimes de son côté, il les nie et après il sort des livres contestés comme le livre fait pitié!
Coca Cola to help provide safe water

MUMBAI: Cold drink giant Coca-Cola has announced its partnership with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to improve community access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation in West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Nepal.

At the signing ceremony which took place at the 21st Session of the Governing Council, in Nairobi, Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka, Executive Director, UN-Habitat said: “Clean water and sanitation can make or break human development. These basic needs are fundamental to improving the living conditions of the urban poor.”

“Our partnership with Coca-Cola, India, is an innovative example of how public-private community partnerships can help meet the challenge of the millennium development goals, especially those committed to halving the number of people not having access to clean water and adequate sanitation by the year 2015,” said Anna.

There are various projects that will be undertaken in this partnership. The first one is increasing water supply through rainwater harvesting and other techniques to store and conserve water in Madhya Pradesh, India.

This project aims at setting up urban and rural Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) systems in 15 locations. This includes the construction of roof top RWH structures in 10 schools, including three government-run schools and construction/revival of five rural RWH structures.

Another project focuses on providing safe drinking water and sanitation for urban poor in West Bengal. The target is to provide potable water to 150 schools.

The next project aims at improving water management and sanitation in selected urban slums and rural areas of Nepal. This project aims to provide access to potable water through WHO-approved household level purification methods as well as increase awareness on sanitation.

The project will work in five or six urban areas in Nepal with a total population of about three million people.

There will be many programmes launched to enhance awareness on water usage, sanitation and conservation, including capacity building and mobilisation of political will with legislators and political leaders.

Coca-Cola, in the past year, has made sustained attempts to be seen seriously in taking up its corporate social responsibility. Before this, the company had honoured Indian achievers in the fields of sports, music and medicine.

UN–Habitat is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It was established in 1978 and has its headquarters at the UN office in Nairobi, Kenya.

According to its 2006 annual report, sometime in the middle of 2007, a majority of people worldwide will be living in towns and cities for the first time in history.

This is referred to as the arrival of the "urban millennium." The year 2007 will also see the number of slum dwellers hit 1 billion.

In terms of future trends, it is estimated that 93 per cent of urban growth will occur in Asia and Africa, and to a lesser extent Latin America and the Caribbean. By 2050, over 6 billion people, nearly two-thirds of humanity, will be living in towns and cities.
Drète dans les places dont tu parles David, ils se plaignent de la nappe phréatique qui disparraît! T'es mourrant quand tu veux! dans la négation, c'est pas mal égal entre toi et Durandal...

Peu importe, Esso avec annonçait de telles améliorations dans les pays exploités, les mines canadiennes(les plus polluantes parmis tous les pays confondus) ont eu leur part de belles annonces...Bush a annoncé qu'il allait sauver le monde des méchants terroristes! ha ha ha!

David, tu n'as plus rien d'étonnant! Comment peuvent-ils à la fois, aider à la consomation d'eau et vider les nappes phréatiques? Pfff! J'ai pitié de toi!
Ils nous montre des annonces faites par Coca-Cola, crédibilité???? ILS sont au banc des accusés!
C'est comme si Al Capone disait que certaines personnes, sous ses ordres, étaient heureuses! On le sait qu,il y avait des heureux! On se fait du mauvais sang pour la majorité , nous, David! Pas pour une minorité, c'est ton trip, pas le nôtre!
Comment ?

En creusant de nouveaux puits !

C'est pourtant pas si difficile à comprendre !
Faudrait d'abord avoir de l'eau avant de creuser des puits.
Si ils vident les nappes, ce sera des puits secs!
Quand tu veux être morron toi!
Pour David, les entreprises privées sont opprimés par les masses populaires des pays en développement...
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